Organizing for the Holiday Season!

With the recent snowfall and drop in temperature, both too early for many Montrealers, it’s beginning to look a lot like a Christmas card.

Sometimes the holiday season gets chaotic and you find yourself busy running from one party, event, or family gathering to another. If you don’t enjoy the hectic pace and are dreading the holiday season, now’s a good time to think about it and plan ahead.

Would you prefer to schedule a day or two - or more- in between social commitments? If so, schedule it now before you become overbooked. After all, there’s nothing wrong with wanting some time to yourself, to read, relax, work out, watch a movie, go to bed early, have a bubble bath, or whatever you choose.

Are you wondering how to politely decline invitations? You could try telling the truth - always my preference. How about saying something like, “I’m so sorry but I reallly need some down time and won’t be able to attend.”

If that idea makes you uncomfortable, you could always say that you have a previous commitment, which IS absolutely true; you have a commitment to yourself. You may feel relieved and enjoy the quiet time at home.

Do you suffer from FOMO (the Fear of Missing out)? Try not to compare yourself with others who are travelling or who you perceive are enjoying themselves more than you are. You are taking care of yourself. And who knows how much they are really enjoying!

If there are people you’ve wanted to connect with, why not be proactive and invite them over or make arrangements to get together?  Entertaining doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are some entertaining tips:

Now is a good time as well to focus on getting your home in shape for the holiday season. Whether you will be entertaining and want your place to look great, or staying in and want to enjoy a clutter-free home, now is a perfect time to tackle any bothersome areas. Block off the time so it actually happens, and tackle one small area at a time. Have bags or boxes for sorting: keep, toss, recycle, donate, repair, need to think about… Tackle it yourself, with a friend, or feel free to contact me at 514-882-3610 or  if you’d like my assistance.

Do it for yourself. Do it now. Do what you need to do to enjoy the holiday season. Wishing you all the joys of the holiday season, and whatever you celebrate, may it be merry and bright.